Local motorcycle clubs The BMF exists to safeguard the rights of all British motorcyclists. The British Motorcyclists Federation is a very well respected and powerful lobbying group. It protects all of the UK’s motorcyclists from unnecessary interference by European, National, Local Government and anti-motorcycling campaign groups. The BMF is a member of many government advisory groups and also works in Europe to help British motorcyclists. The BMF is also a fantastic community, made up of individual members and motorcycle clubs, it provides support, advice and organises excellent events throughout the UK All local affiliated clubs can be found on the map below, take a look around…..and if you scroll past the map, you’ll find an alphabetical list of all our local clubs and their regions. 5 Counties Motorcycle Club Email: 5countiesmotorcycle@gmail.com Telephone: 07529 189 527 Meeting Place: Stevenage Region 4 – East England 69 Motorcycle Club Email: info@69mcc.uk Website: www.69mcc.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/69mccdover Meeting Place: Dover Region 6 – South East A A32 Riders Email: andy.simcox@ntlworld.com Telephone: 07771 881132 Facebook: www.facebook.com/A32Riders Meeting Place: Warnford Region 6 – South East All or Nothing Scooter Club Email: secretary@aonsc.co.uk Telephone: 07872 966 237 Website: www.aonsc.co.uk Meeting Place: Coventry Region 3 – Midlands Associated Sheppey Bikers Email: Tbland5977@googlemail.com Telephone: 07934 452 186 Facebook: www.facebook.com/asb1997 Meeting Place: Sheerness Region 6 – South East Avon Advanced Motorcycle Club Email: tony.walmsley@pressline.co.uk Telephone: 01275 818 802 Website: info54518.wixsite.com/aamc Meeting Place: Bristol Region 7 – South West Ayr Classic Motorcycle Club Email: secretary@ayrclassicmc.com Website: www.ayrclassicmc.com Meeting Place: Prestwick Region 1 – Scotland B Barnsley Bikers Club Email: barnsleybikers@yahoo.co.uk Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BarnsleyBikeClub Meeting Place: Barnsley Region 2 – North East Barrel Bikers (Bucks) MCC Email: clubsecretary@barrelbikers.co.uk Telephone: 07877 065 843 Website: www.barrelbikers.co.uk/ Meeting Place: Milton Keynes Region 6 – South East Beartown Bikers Email: beartownbikers@gmail.com Telephone: 07838 790 631 Facebook: www.facebook.com/Beartownbikers/ Meeting Place: Congleton Region 9 – North West Beermonsters MCC Email: colintait01@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/30384841226 Meeting Place: Harrogate Region 2 – North East Berwick and District Motorcycle Club (B.A.D. MCC) Email: mandygrimwood@icloud.com Telephone: 07800 730 378 Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/145920958753048/ Meeting Place: Spittal Region 2 – North East Boothill Motorcycle Club Email: mcallistervivienne@yahoo.co.uk Telephone: 0123456789 Meeting Place: Hillsborough Region 10 – Northern Ireland Boston Motorcycle Riders Email: mark.a.wood1967@gmail.com Telephone: 01205354087 Website: www.bostonmotorcycleriders.co.uk Meeting Place: Boston Region 3 – Midlands Bridge Rats MCC Email: cloxton22@hotmail.co.uk Telephone: 07930691005 Website: www.bridgerats.com Meeting Place: Hebden Bridge Region 2 – North East BRIMBO Email: berylthorndyke@aol.com Telephone: 07768 056047 Website: brimbo.co.uk Meeting Place: Diss Region 4 – East England British Motorcycle Preservation Society (North Wales) Email: lenoardferney@gmail.com Website: bmpsnwales.org.uk/ Meeting Place: Conwy Region 8 – Wales Bromsgrove Motorcycle Club Email: steve-coley@outlook.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/bromsgrovemotorcycleclub Meeting Place: Wychbold Region 3 – Midlands Bug Splatz RC Email: sarahjharrison1973@gmail.com Telephone: 07723 055 874 Website: www.bugsplatz-rc.co.uk Meeting Place: Telford Region 3 – Midlands Burgess Hill & District Motorcycle Club Email: bhdmc@burgesshillmc.com Website: burgesshillmc.com Meeting Place: Burgess Hill Region 6 – South East Busy Bee Motorcycle Club Email: brian@busybeemcc.com Telephone: 0774 6789490 Website: www.busybeemcc.com/ Meeting Place: St Albans Region 5 – London C Cambs and District Looney Club Email: louisecyngier@live.co.uk Telephone: 07712429207 Website: cambsanddistrictlooneyclub.weebly.com Meeting Place: Peterborough Region 4 – East England Cassington Motorcycle Club Email: cassingtonbikenight@hotmail.com Telephone: 07918 984 242 Website: cassingtonbikenight.wordpress.com Meeting Place: Cassington Region 6 – South East Celtic Crew Motorcycle Club Email: shep639@yahoo.co.uk Telephone: 07900 858 884 Facebook: www.facebook.com/CelticCrewMCC Meeting Place: Calne Region 7 – South West Chesterfield Classic Motorcycle Club Email: chrisbooth5752@gmail.com Telephone: 01246474895 Meeting Place: Chesterfield Region 3 – Midlands Chilton Motorcycle Club Telephone: 07899 795 010 Website: www.chiltonmotorcycleclub.com Meeting Place: Tetsworth Region 6 – South East Colchester DVLC Email: 37johnwalker@gmail.com Telephone: 01787 881 803 Website: www.ccmc.org.uk Meeting Place: Colchester Region 4 – East England Comrades MCC Email: danbalmer@live.co.uk Telephone: 07511 623 522 Facebook: www.facebook.com/Comradesmcc Meeting Place: Ballymena Region 10 – Northern Ireland Conwy Motorcycle Club Email: conwymotorcycleclub@gmail.com Website: conwymotorcycleclub.org.uk Meeting Place: Conwy Region 8 – Wales Copdock Classic Motorcycle Club Email: copdocksecretary@gmail.com Telephone: 07923 571304 Facebook: www.facebook.com/Copdockbikeshow Meeting Place: Ipswich Region 4 – East England Coventry Riders Action Group Email: baz.price@outlook.com Telephone: 07816 445906 Website: coventryridersactiongroup.co.uk Meeting Place: Coventry Region 3 – Midlands D Daventry Motorcycle Festival Association Email: info@daventrybikefest.co.uk Telephone: 07877 544 572 Website: www.daventrybikefest.co.uk Meeting Place: Daventry Region 3 – midlands Deal and District Motorcycle Club Email: robertboden72@gmail.com Telephone: 07867 306 700 Website: www.ddmcc.co.uk Meeting Place: Deal Region 6 – South East Dean Valley MCC Email: r.c.hirst@hotmail.com Telephone: 07710 009 8090 Meeting Place: Shelf Region 2 – North East Dengie 100 Motorcycle Club Email: dengie100mcc@hotmail.co.uk Meeting Place: Maldon Region 4 – East England Derbyshire 623 MCC Email: 623mcc@talktalk.net Facebook: www.facebook.com/Derbyshire-623-Motorcycle-Club Meeting Place: Buxton Region 3 – Midlands Doncaster & District MCC Email: doncastermotorcycle@yahoo.co.uk Telephone: 07950 921 553 Facebook: www.facebook.com/doncasterbikers Meeting Place: Doncaster Region 2 – North East Dorking and District Motorcycle Club Email: secretary.ddmc@gmail.com Telephone: 07831 637 865 Meeting Place: Dorking Region 6 – South East Downriders Motorcycle Club Email: n.murray@shinglebay.co.uk Telephone: 07586334803 Meeting Place: Donaghadee Region 10 – Northern Ireland Dragon Riders Motorcycle Club Email: keithwellstead@gmail.com Telephone: 07958 690754 Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/dragonridermotorcycleclub Meeting Place: Mold Region 9 – North West Dragon Slayer Motorcycle Club Email: infodragonslayermcc@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/DragonslayerMcc Meeting Place: Chester le Street Region 2 – North East Druids Motorcycle Club Email: druidsecmcc@gmail.com Telephone: 0123 456 789 Website: www.druidsmcc.com Meeting Place: Grantham Region 3 – Midlands Dunbeath Rally Motorcycle Club Email: winifredsutherland@hotmail.com Telephone: 0159 3731321 Meeting Place: Dunbeath Region 1 – Scotland Durham and District MCC Email cbjandb@yahoo.com Website: 01388 767021 Meeting Place: Durham Region 2 – North East E English Riviera Bike Night/Riviera Charity Riders (Paignton) Email: englishrivierabikenight@gmail.com Telephone: 07889 023 746 Facebook: www.facebook.com/Englishrivierabikenight Meeting Place: Paignton Region 7 – South West Essex Advanced Motorcyclists Group Ltd Email: info@eamg.org.uk Website: www.eamg.org.uk Meeting Place: Chelmsford Region 4 – East England Essex Chapter Great Britain Email: secretary@essexchaptergb.com Telephone: 07718 798522 Website: essexchaptergb.com Meeting Place: Grays Region 4 – East England Exeter British Motorcycle Club Email: thatsnoanswer@gmail.com Website: exeterbritishmotorcycleclub.co.uk Meeting Place: Exeter Region 7 – South West Eye of Ra MCC Email: eyeoframcc@hotmail.com Telephone: 07964 977 137 Website: www.eyeoframcc.com Meeting Place: Newport Region 8 – Wales F Forth Valley MCC Email: msu549@gmail.com Telephone: 07736 380 384 Meeting place: Falkirk Region 1 – Scotland Fosse Riders MCA Email: mjf.phone@gmail.com Telephone: 07885 254 545 Website: www.fosseriders.co.uk Meeting Place: Leicester Region 3 – Midlands Freewheel Cruiser Riders Association Email: buffer.fcra@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/241312694817084 Meeting Place: Kings Lynn Region 4 – East England Furness British Motorcycle Club Email: gazchelton64@yahoo.com Telephone: 07763 197 325 Website: www.fbmcc.co.uk Meeting Place: Barrow-in-Furness Region 9 – North West G Goldwings for Life Email: daniellescarboroughgoldwings@outlook.com Telephone: 07935 711 439 Facebook: www.facebook.com/ScarboroughGoldwingLightParade Meeting Place: Scarborough Region 2 – North East Grampian Motorcycle Club Email: carts@inbox.com Telephone: 07718209464 Website: grampianmotorcycleclub.co.uk Meeting Place: Aberdeen Region 1 – Scotland H Hadleigh and District Classic Motorcycle Club Email: hadcmcc84@gmail.com Telephone: 07860 939 483 Website:hadcmcc.wordpress.com Meeting Place: Hadleigh Region 4 – East England Harley Davidson Riders Club Of GB Email: pr@hdrcgb.org Telephone: 07778765407 Facebook: www.facebook.com/hdridersclubgb Meeting Place: St. Neots Region 4 – East England Highland Classic Motorcycle Club Email: johncewilliams@hotmail.com Telephone: 01667 258 228 Website: highlandclassicmotorcycleclub.co.uk Meeting Place: Inverness Region 1 – Scotland Hull & District MCC Email: secretary@hdmcc.com Website: hdmcc.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/HDMCC Meeting Place: Hull Region 2 – North East Huntsman and Associates Motorcycle Club Website: www.huntsmanmcc.co.uk Meeting Place: Eridge Region 6 – South East I INFIDELS MCC Email: bobscoop1@aol.com Telephone: 07595 372 273 Meeting Place: Seghill Region 2 – North East Irish Wolfhounds MCC Facebook: www.facebook.com/irishwolfhounds.mccbelfast Meeting Place: Belfast Region 10 – Northern Ireland Island Trikers Email: baddon@live.co.uk Telephone: 07706313144 Facebook: www.facebook.com/IslandTrikers Meeting Place: Newtownards Region 10 – Northern Ireland J Jumbo GB Email: pro@jumbogb.org.uk Website: www.jumbogb.org Meeting Place: Birmingham Region 3 – Midlands K Kawasaki Triples Club Email: jameswightmansmith@gmail.com Telephone: 07855 930 051 Website: kawasakitriplesclub.com Meeting Place: Wakefield Region 2 – North East Kings Norton Motorcycle Club Website: knmcc Meeting Place: Studley Region 3 – Midlands L Llandudno Goldwing Light Parade Email: sidzw125@gmail.com Telephone: 07875 506 264 Website: llandudnolightparade.co.uk Meeting Place: Llandudno Region 8 – Wales Loch Lomond Motorcycling Club Email: pollard1942@mail.com Telephone: 01635 254 154 Facebook: www.facebook.com/people/Loch-Lomond-Motorcycling-Club Meeting Place: Fintry Region 1 – Scotland London Sidecar Club Email: pjw@londonsidecarclub.co.uk Telephone: 07973717614 Website: www.londonsidecarclub.co.uk Meeting Place: Orpington Region 5 – London M Mad Dog MCC Email: meltingmoments50@yahoo.co.uk Telephone: 07718666909 Meeting Place: Enniskillen Region 10 – Northern Ireland Medusa MC Email: Goldie6669@hotmail.com Telephone: 07928 763 038 Website: medusamotorcycleclub.co.uk Meeting Place: Ashford Region 6 – South East Mercury Motorcycle Club Email: gr12345@gmail.com Telephone: 07592 803 294 Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/1348510391882925 Meeting Place: Chryston Region 1- Scotland N NI Bikers and Trikers Club Email: jackie.hill405@btinternet.com Telephone: 07799 441 709 Meeting Place: Dromore Region 10 – Northern Ireland North Coast Motorcycle Club Email: dsb77@btinternet.com Telephone: 01955651317 Meeting Place: Wick Region 1 – Scotland North East Yamaha RD Owners Club (NERDOC) Email: kingsley.davies@sky.com Telephone: 07939 109 249 Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/298758300859 Meeting Place: Easington Region 2 – North East Northern Ireland RaT Motorcycle Club Email: ratclubni@gmail.com Website: www.ratclubni.com Meeting Place: Banbridge Region 10- Northern Ireland NWclub (Northwestbiking Club) Email: nwclub@northwestbiking.co.uk Telephone: 07947584901 Meeting Place: Rossendale Region 9 – North West O Oddballs MCC Email: oddballtim@yahoo.co.uk Telephone: 07974 912 916 Facebook: www.facebook.com/oddballsmotorcycleclub Meeting Place: Telford Region 3 – Midlands Oxleathers MCC Email: norman.mason185@outlook.com Telephone: 07474 645 968 Facebook: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100067546697600 Meeting Place: Stafford Region 3 – Midlands P Pembrokeshire Vintage and Classic Motorcycle Club Website: pembrokeshiremotorcycleclub.co.uk Meeting Place: Narberth Region 8 – Wales Pinkertons Motorcycle Club Email: mandy.evans301017@gmail.com Telephone: 07917 752 795 Website: www.pinkertons.co.uk Meeting Place: Swindon Region 7 – South West Plymouth MCC Email: plymouthmcc1996@gmail.com Telephone: 0784 3590 968 Facebook: www.facebook.com/www.plymouthmcc.co.uk Meeting Place: Plymouth Region 7 – South West Pontypridd & District MCC Email: c-hooper1@sky.com Telephone: 07879062977 Website: pontypriddmcc.wixsite.com/panddmcc Facebook: www.facebook/pontypriddanddistrict Meeting Place: Pontypridd Region 8 – Wales Pyeratz Motorcycle Club Email: steviegtnt_sameday@hotmail.co.uk Telephone: 07989380366 Facebook: www.facebook.com/Pyeratz-MCC Meeting Place: Shipley Region 2 – North East Q R Rejects Brotherhood Email: rejects.secretary@gmail.com Telephone: 07544 311 377 Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/248821248522596 Meeting Place: Whitstable Region 6 – South East Ride Cymru Motorcycle Club Email: info@ridecymru.com Telephone: 07753 316 196 Website: www.ridecymru.com Meeting Place: Corwen Region 8 – Wales Royal Navy Motorcycle Club Email: rnmcc@yahoo.co.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/RoyalNavyMotorCycleClub Meeting Place: Gosport Region 6 – South East Royston District Motorcycle Club Email: jamesdotgreig@gmail.com Telephone: 07951 206852 Website: www.roystonmotorcycleclub.co.uk Meeting Place: Royston Region 4 – East England Ryder Motorcycles Riders Club Email: jr@ryderauto.co.uk Telephone: 01795 899 204 Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/2979896585573535 Meeting Place: Sittingbourne Region 6 – South East S Shoreham Beach Hog Email: steve.haffenden@beachhog.uk Website: www.beachhog.uk Meeting Place: Shoreham-by-sea Region 6 – South East Shropshire & Powys Advanced Riders Email: chair@saparweb.com Website: www.saparweb.com Meeting Place: Shrewsbury Region 3 – Midlands Skegness & District MCC Email: nancywilson281@btinternet.com Telephone: 01507 463 194 Meeting Place: Alford Region 3 – Midlands Skellingthorpe and District Motorcycle Club Email: chris.goldson@btinternet.com Telephone: 01522 689 302 Meeting Place: Lincoln Region 3 – Midlands Solent MCC Email: muzpen@tiscali.co.uk Telephone: 01329 236 757 Meeting Place: Fareham Region 6 – South East South Wales Classic Motorcycle Club Email: admin@southwalesclassicmotorcycleclub.com Telephone: 07760 668 288 Website: southwalesclassicmotorcycleclub.com Meeting Place: Caerphilly Region 8 – Wales Southern Sporting Motorcycle Club Email: enquiries@ssmcc.co.uk Telephone: 0843 289 1381 Website: www.ssmcc.co.uk Meeting Place: Teddington Region 5 – London Southport Cruisers Email: bvpltd@mail.com Telephone: 07766 383 456 Facebook: www.facebook.com/southportcruisers Meeting Place: Southport Region 9 – North West Split Links MCC Email: splitlinksmcc@outlook.com Telephone: 07805 469 320 Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/123110894174 Meeting Place: Worksop Region 3 – Midlands Stalybridge Motorcycle Club Email: denveewhit@yahoo.co.uk Telephone: 07879607941 Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/237819469573054 Meeting Place: Stalybridge Region 9 – North West Strand Bikers Newcastle MCC Email: leothegod1@hotmail.com Telephone: 07713981138 Facebook: www.facebook.com/Strand-Bikers-MCC-newcastle Meeting Place: Lisburn Region 10 – Northern Ireland Suffolk Trail Riders Email: suffolktrailriders@gmail.com Website: www.suffolktrailriders.co.uk Meeting Place: Bury St Edmunds Region 4 – East England Swindon & District Motorcycle Club Email: gary.wooster@sky.com Telephone: 01793 823802 Website: www.sdmcc.org.uk Meeting Place: Swindon Region 7 – South West T Tamworth and District Classic M/C Club Email: robertsalmon@yahoo.com Telephone: 01827 61608 Website: www.tanddcmcc.co.uk Meeting Place: Tamworth Region 3 – Midlands Tandragee 100 Supporters Club Email: gjbarr17@aol.com Telephone: 07764936805 Website: www.tandragee100.co.uk Meeting Place: Armagh Region 10 – Northern Ireland Taunton Classic Motorcycle Club Email: colinnapper56@gmail.com Telephone: 07887 943 426 Website: tauntonclassicmc.weebly.com Meeting Place: Taunton Region 7 – South West Taw & Torridge Classic Bike Club Email: bushby.doug@gmail.com Telephone: 01237 472 734 Meeting Place: Barnstaple Region 7 – South West Tees Tornadoes Motorcycle Club Email: jimmywaugh@talk21.com Telephone: 07910749938 Meeting Place: Darlington Region 2 – North East The 4F’s MCC Email: the4fsmcc@live.co.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/4FSMCC Meeting Place: Trimley Region 4 – East England The Badlanders Email: stuartrogerson67@outlook.com Telephone: 07788110672 Facebook: www.facebook.com/badlandersmccnortheast Meeting Place: South Shields Region 2 – North East The End And More (TEAM) MCC Email: teammcc32@gmail.com Telephone: 01847 894 286 Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheEndAndMoreMotorCycleClub/ Meeting Place: John O’Groats Region 1 – Scotland The Gibbet Motorcycle Rally Club Email: gibbet.rally@gmail.com Telephone: 07775 852 767 Meeting Place: Newcastle upon Tyne Region 2 – North East Tiger Motorcycle Club Email: time2party@tigermcc.co.uk Telephone: 0797 406 9791 Website: www.tigermcc.co.uk Meeting Place: March Region 4 – East England Toads and Dog Ends Rally Club Email: geoffsallis@gmail.com Meeting Place: Tewkesbury Region 7 – South West Top Dead Centre Motorcycle Club Email: secretary.tdcmcc@gmail.com Telephone: 07899 666171 Website: www.topdeadcentremcc.co.uk Meeting Place: Carrickfergus Region 10 – Northern Ireland Tow Rags Trike and Bike Club Email: carronjane@hotmail.co.uk Telephone: 07929241721 Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/TowragsTBC Meeting Place: Godshill Region 6 – South East Triangle (Ipswich) MCC Ltd Email: trianglemcc@hotmail.com Telephone: 07757 943 724 Website: www.trianglemcc.co.uk Meeting Place: Ipswich Region 4 – East England Tsunami Riders MCC Email: secretary@tsunamiriders.org.uk Telephone: 07472 030 084 Website: www.tsunamiriders.org.uk Meeting Place: Cobham Region 6 – South East T U Unwanted MCC Email: unwantedmcc@aol.com Telephone: 07988 521 400 Website: www.unwantedmcc.co.uk Meeting Place: Burton-on-Trent Region 3 – Midlands V W Warrington Motorcycle Club Email: wmcc7777@gmail.com Website: www.warringtonmcc.co.uk Meeting Place: Warrington Region 9 – North West Wells Classic Motorcycle Club Email: chriswcmc@hotmail.com Telephone: 01749 675 991 Website: wellsclassicmotorcycleclub.weebly.com Meeting Place: Wells Region 7 – South West Welsh Coast MCC Email: welshcoastmcc@yahoo.co.uk Telephone: 07766 490 483 Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/558018444585066 Meeting Place: Swansea Region 8 – Wales West London Riders Club (WLRC) Email: jason_terry80@hotmail.com Telephone: 07791522983 Website: west-london-riders-club-wlrc Facebook: www.facebook.com/WestLondonRidersClub Meeting Place: London Region 5 – London Westland Classic Motorcycle Club Email: ndodge@btinternet.com Telephone: 01935 423 372 Website: www.wcmcc.org.uk Meeting Place: Yeovil Region 7 – South West Wisbech & District Motorcycle Club Email: plquince@yahoo.com Telephone: 07866 931 324 Meeting Place: Wisbech Region 4 – East England Wolds Bikers Email: elliott.mitch@gmail.com Telephone: 07982802588 Meeting Place: Tattershall Region 3 – Midlands X Y Yarm Motorcycling Club Email: secretary@yarmmotorcycleclub.co.uk Telephone: 07934 311 050 Website: www.yarmmotorcycleclub.co.uk Meeting Place: Yarm Region 2 – North East Z Share on Facebook Share Share on TwitterTweet Share on Pinterest Share Share on LinkedIn Share Share on Digg Share