Portugal: no mandatory technical inspection for motorcycles FEMA News 6 December 20249 December 2024 On 5 December the Portuguese parliament voted against a mandatory technical inspection for motorcycles, which was to be introduced from 1 January 2025. Portuguese riders' rights organisation GAM (Grupo Acção Motociclista) said: "The decision to impose a mandatory technical inspection for motorcycles in Portugal, on 1 January 2025 is definitely buried. The wait was long, but it is here: Portugal will not introduce mandatory periodical technical inspection for motorcycles. After more than 12 years of fight, to bring awareness to the reality of the facts surrounding the subject, we finally got the Portuguese government on our side: mandatory periodical technical inspection for motorcycles was repealed yesterday by the Portuguese parliamentary majority." Source: GAM Top photograph courtesy of GAM This article is subject to FEMA’s
EU Council: ‘implement national driving disqualifications across the EU’ FEMA News 5 December 20249 December 2024 The European Council has adopted a negotiating position to improve road safety by addressing driving disqualifications across the EU. The proposal requires that a member state which issues a driving licence must enforce driving disqualifications imposed by another member state for serious traffic offences, improving road safety by removing dangerous drivers across the EU. The next step is negotiations with the European Parliament.The European Parliament earlier said driving disqualification should apply in all EU countries (click here for an article from 29 November 2023). Key points include: The proposal aims to ensure mutual recognition of disqualifications for non-resident drivers. Certain disqualifications (less than three months or with under a month remaining) will be excluded. Information will be exchanged digitally via the EU
Road markings for motorcyclists win road safety award FEMA News 18 November 20249 December 2024 In Brussels the European Road Safety Charter Excellence in Road Safety Awards 2024 were presented to the winners of five different categories: Education Motorcycling Pedestrians and cyclists Technology and innovation Urban The European Road Safety Charter, led by the European Commission, is the largest civil society platform on road safety. To date, more than 4,000 public and private entities have committed to the Charter and carried out road safety actions and initiatives targeted at their members, employees and the rest of civil society. Together, these various entities form a community in which members can share their expertise and actions, inspiring and learning from each other. FEMA is a member of the European Road Safety Charter. Pedestrians and cyclists >> Alternative mobility strategy
Improving motorcyclists’ safety: FEMA joins the European Road Safety Charter FEMA News 15 October 20249 December 2024 The Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations (FEMA) has officially joined the European Road Safety Charter (ERSC), marking a significant step toward enhancing road safety for motorcyclists. The ERSC, spearheaded by the European Commission, is the largest civil society platform dedicated to road safety, with over 4,000 public and private entities actively participating. This collaboration will enable FEMA to share its expertise and initiatives, contributing to a broader community focused on improving safety for all road users. By joining forces, FEMA and the ERSC aim to inspire and learn from each other, implementing effective actions that target motorcyclists specifically. As Europe’s leading motorcyclists’ organisation, FEMA is poised to make a meaningful impact in promoting safer riding conditions across the continent. Top image: AI generated This
Innovative road markings for motorcyclists are successful FEMA News 12 July 2024 Taking the correct cornering line is an absolute must for motorcyclists. KFV, the Austrian Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit, investigated the effect of innovative road markings for motorcyclists in risky Tyrolean curves and provided proof of success: the white ellipses on the road resulted in motorcyclists choosing a safer through curves and a reduction in the number of motorcycle accidents by 80 percent. Taking the corner safely in the correct riding line - that's how it should be. The correct cornering line is an absolute must for motorcyclists - motorized vehicles without a crumple zone. A look at the accident statistics shows that most motorcycle accidents on Austria's roads occur in bends. The cause of many motorcycle accidents is an incorrectly chosen cornering line;
More action is needed to improve motorcycle safety FEMA News 25 June 2024 At a road safety conference in Brussels, where motorcycle safety was discussed, a prize for achievements in road safety was presented to Finland. Finland is the recipient of the 2024 European Transport Safety Council prize for outstanding progress in road safety. Finland reduced road deaths by 29% over the decade to 2023, while the average decline in the EU was 16%. The Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) award recognises Finland’s progress in road safety and is a testament to the country’s long-term targets and comprehensive strategy for improving the road safety of all road users. Since 2000, Finland has implemented several important measures to improve road safety. These include lower speed limits in most urban areas, construction of pedestrian and bicycle paths,
Motorcycling: the individual mobility solution that brings many advantages FEMA News 13 June 2024 A French white paper, published by CSIAM (the International Chamber of Automobile and Motorcycle Trade Unions) offers a summary of the significant progress that the use of motorcycles and other powered two-wheelers makes, both in terms of relieving road traffic congestion and reducing polluting emissions and on savings that can be made by the community and road users themselves. It also offers an industrial perspective on the problems of noise and road safety as it is understood in the motorcycle sector. Below we offer a compilation of the most important issues (click here to read the full white paper). Travel time Taking into account the results of a FEMA mobility test, which establishes that the average time saving between the car and
Can electronic warnings improve road safety for motorcyclists? FEMA News 23 May 2024 C-ITS systems (Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems) that warn a motorcyclist of an upcoming danger only work if the rider is interpreting the warning correctly and reacts accordingly. So far however, there is little knowledge about how long a rider reaction towards a warning takes. Additionally, the question arises whether reactions from the passenger car domain can be applied to powered two-wheelers. Two whitepapers describe two dynamic motorcycle riding simulator studies by the Connected Motorcycle Consortium (CMC), which investigated motorcycle riders’ reaction times towards different types of warnings. Such knowledge can bridge the gap between results from the accidentology side to the use case and test case specific strategies. The latter focus on the decision on how an application’s display/ alert principle
Riders and manufacturers agree on historic joint motorcycling manifesto FEMA News 7 May 20247 May 2024 The main organisations representing both the riders and the motorcycle industry (ACEM, FEMA, FIM) jointly celebrate the Day of Europe by launching a manifesto addressed to European leaders, ahead of the European elections. We call on the European Institutions to actively incorporate motorcycling into the policy priorities for the 2024-2029 political mandate that will kick off with the coming European elections on 5-9 June. Our sector positively contributes to the European economy, social inclusion and territorial cohesion with around €21.4 billion to European GDP and 389.000 jobs. Only in Europe, there are almost 40 million motorcycles, mopeds, tricycles and quadricycles to support a clean, efficient, practical and enjoyable alternative for moving people and goods in cities and rural areas. Motorcycling fully aligns with
Success: riding with a motorcycle trailer FEMA News 6 March 2024 Some motorcyclists like to attach a trailer to their bike. In the development of the current driving license directive the fact that sometimes motorcycles pull trailers was not taken into account (unlike with cars). The European Parliament now agreed on new, draft rules on EU driving licences and finally fixed an oversight FEMA has been pointing out for years: the possibility to legally ride a motorcycle with a trailer behind it. The proposal that is now adopted by the European Parliament (amendment 59), says the following: 'Without prejudice to the provisions of type-approval rules for the vehicles concerned, motor vehicles in categories referred to in points (a) and (b) may be combined with a trailer with a maximum authorised mass not exceeding half
European Parliament: driver training should focus on risk awareness FEMA News 28 February 20241 March 2024 Today the European Parliament adopted new, draft rules on EU driving licences. No mandatory medical test will be required when a driving licence is being issued and renewed. The introduction of probation period for inexperienced drivers of at least two years. 18-year-olds can obtain a licence to drive a truck or a bus with up to 16 passengers. Introduction of a digital driving licence, available on a mobile phone. Focus should be risk awareness training. No higher minimum age for the A1 licence. Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) want drivers to be better prepared for real driving situations and be aware of the risks, in particular for vulnerable road users. Therefore driving in snow and slippery conditions, safe phone use
Mandatory medical tests when renewing a driving licence are controversial FEMA News 28 February 2024 Today the plenary session of the European Parliament debated the proposals on the revision of EU driving licence rules. The most controversial issue turned out to be the proposed mandatory medical test. In the original proposal by the European Commission, Member States may require "an examination applying the minimum standards of physical and mental fitness for driving" when a driving licence has to be renewed; rapporteur Karima Delli MEP, member of the Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance, wants to change this into a mandatory medical test every fifteen years that must be implemented by the Member States. Karima Delli also proposes a probationary period of at least two years for novice drivers. During that period drivers should be subjected to stricter