Motorcycles in Bus Lanes BMF News 18 March 202418 March 2024 Government launches consultation on allowing motorcycles to access bus lanes by default. Responses required by 9 June 2024. The Government has launched its much anticipated consultation on whether motorcycles should be allowed access to bus lanes by default, as part of its commitment set out in the Plan For Drivers published on 2 October 2023. The BMF has pushed for many years for motorcyclists to be allowed default access to bus lanes, predominantly on safety grounds by removing potential conflicts with other road traffic. There are also wider benefits in terms of reducing traffic congestion and journey times for motorcyclists. Although some local authorities have allowed motorcyclists to use some bus lanes, current access is neither universal nor consistent across local authorities. The Government is now considering whether the presumption should be that motorcyclists are allowed to use bus lanes by default, unless there are good reasons not to. The BMF supports a move to the default position. You can find details of the consultation and how to respond via the following link. The consultation closes on 9 June 2024. This is a your chance to have your voice heard on this very important issue BMF is currently considering the detail of the consultation and will be providing further advice to members via the website in due course in terms of a potential response to the questions raised Written by Paul Morgan CBE Top image courtesy of Sophie Popplewell – Unsplash Share on Facebook Share Share on TwitterTweet Share on Pinterest Share Share on LinkedIn Share Share on Digg Share