Seasons Greetings from the chair BMF News 1 January 202328 March 2024 I have never been one for doom and gloom, and I truly believe we may be living in one of the most exciting eras for motorcycling. Never before have we seen so many new developments and technical progress, never before have I heard so many young people getting excited by the idea of getting their own motorcycle. Yes, we need to stay vigilant and defend what is rightfully ours, but we must also pave the way for those that will follow in our tyre tracks. The future for motorcycling is bright, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. In 2022 we saw a significant growth of our membership, showing us that BMF is still the place to go for riders who care about their – and our – future in motorcycling. This growth in membership isn’t just important for our finances and for our political ‘fire power’, it is also a great motivational boost for BMF’s staff and volunteers, so let us all do our best to welcome many more new members in 2023. With a little help from our friends in the international motorcycling community, we have taken big steps in the way we communicate, not just with you the rider, but with all possible stakeholders in the political arena as well. So, we are not only sharing our news and our message through Motorcycle Rider, Britain’s greatest member magazine (yes, I may be slightly biased), we are now also taking full advantage of the possibilities the internet has to offer and our audience is growing by the day. In this new year we will keep working on improving and expanding our online presence, to make sure BMF reaches any many riders as possible through our social media channels and our website. Listening to the plans the BMF staff and the members of the Management Team have come up with, I think we can look forward to a year full of inspiring work for Britain’s riders. So, to all our members, to all affiliated motorcycle clubs, to all our national and international friends in motorcycling I say: get ready for another great year for British motorcycling! Jim Freeman, BMF Chair Top image courtesy of Boliviainteligente – Unsplash Share on Facebook Share Share on TwitterTweet Share on Pinterest Share Share on LinkedIn Share Share on Digg Share