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Suzuki Launches ‘click to buy’ Scheme

Suzuki is challenging online scooter retailers by launching its own ‘click to buy’ scheme, rolled out to its 125cc scooter range. After buying habits changed during lockdown, manufacturers are looking at ways of engaging buyers directly online and making the purchase process as simple and quick as possible.

Available on the new Address 125, Avenis 125 and Burgman Street 125EX, Suzuki’s ‘click to buy’ scheme aims to do just that. Buyers hit the ‘click to buy’ option on the relevant model page (or visit enter their postcode and choose a colour, after which they will be pointed to the nearest dealer which has the bike in stock.

In fact, dealers shouldn’t lose out, because once the customer has added their details and paid a £99 deposit, the chosen dealer can take the sale through in the normal way. Not quite ‘buy with 1 click’ but on the way there.

The BMF’s Jim Freeman thought this gave a whole new meaning to ‘impulse buying.’ “Ah, it’s like the old adage about eBay bidding: don’t do this after a couple of sherbs late on a weekend. I hope that deposit’s refundable if ‘buyer’s remorse’ kicks in, otherwise dealers could make a lot of money just shifting deposits. Humour potential aside, it’s only moving bike sales on-line, which is already happening anyway. At least, this way, the bike will be Pre Delivery Inspected correctly by an authorised dealer’s mechanic, which hasn’t necessarily been the case in the past, with online sales. ”

Written by Peter Henshaw

Top image courtesy of Suzuki
