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Welcome but Take Care say Scottish Police

Scottish Police will be using unmarked cars and bikes this summer, in a bid to reduce motorcycle casualties on the country’s roads. “We’re quite fortunate in Scotland, with some of the most beautiful roads (in the UK),” said Deputy Head of Road Policing Stewart Mackenzie. “We’re keen to see people making use of those roads, but we want them to do that safely and responsibly.”

Twenty-seven riders died on Scottish roads across 2022/23, most of those during spring and summer – 455 motorcyclists were involved in a serious collision in Scotland in 2021.

As well as the unmarked vehicles, marked motorcycles and cars will be out and about on the key routes, especially at weekends, to deter unsafe riding and driving, backed up by speed camera vans. Riders will also be offered additional training through the one-day Rider Refinement North programme, which is run by police riders and supported by IAM RoadSmart observers.
Stewart Mackenzie, who has been riding since 1997, emphasised that the campaign, which runs from April to October, is aimed at car drivers as much as bikers. “It’s a two-fold process that’s also highlighting to other road users that motorcyclists are using the roads.”

Jim Freeman, Chair of the BMF, agreed: “That sounds like a balanced approach. For every overenthusiastic rider getting carried away, there’s a dozy caravan towing holiday maker, it’s not a great combination.”

Written by Peter Henshaw 

Top image courtesy of Emma Gibb on Pixabay
