The BMF Annual General Meeting 2021 BMF News 9 October 202111 October 2021 The British Motorcyclists Federation held it’s AGM today, 9th October 2021, at 11.00. The event, held on Zoom, for the second time, was a great success with 29 attending, from both Clubs and as individual members. Regular business was dealt with briskly, enabling wide ranging discussion on a number of topics. The meeting heard reports from the Chair, Jim Freeman, and fellow Directors Howard Anderson (Finance), Peter Laidlaw (Membership Services), Sheonagh Ravensdale (Communications) and Anna Zee (Political & Technical Services). The meeting was hosted by Helen Hancock, the BMF’s Administrator, who managed the polls and voting. Jim Freeman was re-elected as Chair with 91% of the zoom poll. Sheonagh Ravensdale was confirmed as the Communications Director, also with 91% of the poll. BMF Councillors and Regional Chairs and the Chair of the National and One Make Clubs [NaOMC] forum were carried forward to 2022, as at the 2020 AGM, due to the pandemic. The meeting also approved the accounts for BMF [Enterprises] ltd for 2020. Key topics raised and discussed at the meeting included: Government Consultations, including ‘The Future of Transport’ programme, ‘Regulatory Sandboxes’ and ‘Zero Emissions Vehicles’. The National Motorcyclists Council [NMC], building relations with government, with the overall objective of full motorcyclist inclusion in the Government Transport Strategy. Involving the Department for Transport [DfT], Home Office & cabinet Office. The review of Testing & Training, with the objective of streamlining the process, making it easier to access licences, for riders. De-carbonising transport; it’s effects on motorcycling, both with new & existing vehicles, both to 2035 & beyond. The changes in BMF Communications strategy and their implementation. The BMF’s financial situation and future. The successful renewal of the BMF’s events program, both attended externally, and the BMF’s own. The ongoing successful partnership with Bikesure. The expanding partnership with Thorneycroft Solicitors, who provide the BMF Legal Line, also supporting road safety organisations. The introduction of the BMF Breakdown recovery scheme, as a significant member benefit. The continued growth of the BMF Blue Riband training scheme, with over 27 centres now, across the country, now a part of the DVSA ‘Enhanced Rider’ scheme. The Blue Riband scheme is starting to be approved by the National Association of Blood Bikes, in some regions, i.e., NWBB, Lincoln BB, with other centres, such as NI’s Steve Mills, still seeking accreditation with their local NABB branch. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the BMF Management Team [MT] and the BMF’s [brilliant] Administrator, proposed by the Vincent Owner’s Club’s [VOC] Tim Kirker, carried unanimously. The Chair closed the meeting at 14.30 , after announcing the 8th October 2022 as the next AGM, venue to be confirmed. Share on Facebook Share Share on TwitterTweet Share on Pinterest Share Share on LinkedIn Share Share on Digg Share