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Celebrate Motorcycle Sport

Motorcycling Matters No 6: Celebrate Motorcycle Sport

British motorcycle sport is a diverse and vibrant sector which needs to be encouraged, supported and celebrated. In Motorcycling Matters, the motorcycle manifesto put forward by the National Motorcyclists Council (NMC) with help from the BMF, there’s a call for greater recognition of this widespread sector, which contributes £1 billion to the UK economy.

Home to some world class racing teams, the UK also has a very strong grassroots motorcycle sport scene, on-road and off. Trials, enduro, grass track and sand racing; club racing on some of the world’s best-known circuits, plus road trails and road racing. From professional teams at the cutting edge of race technology, to the thousands of bikers who ride in or watch motorcycle sport at weekends. Whatever the branch, motorcycle sport encourages positive social engagement, especially for young people, and needs regulations which ensure a level playing field of high-quality standards.

Paul Morgan CBE BMF Government Relations Executive said: “The BMF calls on the next Government to ensure greater recognition and support for the UK’s £1 Billion motorcycle sports sector in order to fully realise the significant societal and economic potential of motorcycle sport in this country. The UK is home not only for a range of top class and world-leading UK and international track-racing events, but also for 1000’s of off-road events held at local level across the UK each year; from schoolboy motorcross to high-profile motocross races. The next Government needs to fully unlock the potential of the Motorcycle Sports Sector and ensure that the UK remains at the forefront of international motorcycle sport.”

You can find more on the BMF’s priorities to secure the future of motorcycling as we head towards the General Election and beyond in the Manifesto Motorcycling Matters which you can access via the article on BMF’s website. In the run up to the election we are seeking to get all Prospective Parliamentary Candidates (PPCs) to sign up to these priorities by getting them to sign our Motorcycling “Pledge” to support the future of motorcycling.

We are urging all riders to get involved in the campaign and to ask their PPCs to sign the Pledge to confirm their support to our Manifesto priorities. We need your support and action now to deliver a bright and sustainable future for UK motorcycling.

Written by Peter Henshaw

Top image courtesy of Rob Baxter, RBPS Photography
