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Motorcycling: A Genuine Choice For Future Transport

Transport Choice: Bringing motorcycling into the mainstream of transport policy

The British Motorcyclists Federation (BMF) calls on the future Government to bring Motorcycling into the mainstream of UK transport policy and develop a comprehensive Government strategic framework for motorcycling. Our objective is to agree a new motorcycle strategy with the future government, which will see motorcycling fully mainstreamed into future UK transport policy and properly recognised and facilitated as a positive and zero polluting form of transport for commuting, logistics and leisure.

Motorcycling is a sector worth over £7 billion to the UK economy, with 3.5 million licence holders, and can form a key and sustainable part of a future, diverse transport framework, contributing to cleaner, greener and more mobile towns and cities while increasing options for rural transport solutions. The BMF calls on the future Government to unleash the potential of the motorcycling sector, to fully realise the benefits that motorcycling can bring to UK society as an accessible, affordable, cleaner and greener transport option than most other powered modes of transport. A Government strategic framework for motorcycling needs to encompass strategic actions in the areas of safety, access and transport planning as set out in the National Motorcyclists Council  policy paper Motorcycling and the Future of Transport Policy  which the BMF has contributed to.

You can find more on the BMF’s priorities to secure the future of motorcycling as we head towards the General Election and beyond in the Manifesto Motorcycling Matters which you can access via the article on BMF’s website. In the run up to the election we are seeking to get all Prospective Parliamentary Candidates (PPCs) to sign up to these priorities by getting them to sign our Motorcycling “Pledge” to support the future of motorcycling.

We are urging all riders to get involved in the campaign and to ask their PPCs to sign the Pledge to confirm their support to our Manifesto priorities. We need your support and action now to deliver a bright and sustainable future for UK motorcycling.

Written by Paul Morgan CBE – BMF Government Relations Executive

Top image courtesy of Rick Barratt – Unsplash
