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National Networks National Policy Statement; Bikes get left out – AGAIN!

The BMF has submitted a response to the consultation on the revised National Networks National Policy Statement (NNNPS)

NNNPS??…What’s that? Guidance on evaluating major projects on the road and rail networks.

Anna Zee,BMF political & Technical Services Director says ” I did not feel that we were really qualified to answer the questions actually posed in the consultation, but having actually taken the trouble to read it I discovered that it contained absolutely no reference to motorcycling. It did manage to list 3 forms of ‘active travel’, it even mentioned horse riding but not motorcycles. This was a point I raised at the National Motorcyclists Council (NMC) meeting with Minister Richard Holden last month and that’s what the BMF response is about.”

You can read our response to the consultation by clicking here to read our full response

Written by Anna Zee – BMF Political and Technical Services Director

Top image courtesy of Pixabay – David Harper
